Monday, March 30, 2015

A Mad Cow's guide to saving the cows. Meat Free Monday goes Halaal.

A Mad Cow's guide to saving the cows. Meat Free Monday goes Halaal.

A Mad Cow's guide to saving the cows. Meat Free Monday goes Halaal.

Posted: 29 Mar 2015 03:46 PM PDT

Free range, Organic, Hormone free, Recycle. Are these all words that make you scream "Hippie" and run for the hills? Yeah? then Meat Free Mondays must be like a swear word. So at the risk of being tarred and feathered I admit that I'm a big supporter of eating fresher, less processed and healthier foods. I eat less meat, I subscribe to an organic veggie box service, and "gasp" I recycle. And so, Meat Free Monday is a movement that I can definitely get behind. And besides, you can't get more halaal than meat free.

Founded by Paul, Stella and Mary McCartney, Meat Free Monday is a worldwide movement to encourage people to do just that. The campaign, which was launched in 2009, came about after the United Nations issued a report stating the livestock industry was responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than the entire global transport sector, accounting for 18% of all emissions.
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