There is an unusual early season rainstorm predicted this weekend in Los Angeles, but you won't see me dancing up a storm just yet. It's not the first rain we've had here this autumn. Sure, there's a drought, but LA has had a relatively lot of rain lately when it's not supposed to. That rain (strangely) has been followed by heatwaves – each and every time. Meaning whatever moisture hit the soil soon evaporated. Still, I have hope for a wet winter. That's why I started this series of posts about apples. Apples and rain are happy companions. It's been very apple-centric here lately. Today I have a gratin. An Apple-Celery Root Gratin. I consider this Apple-Celery Root Gratin a sort of rain dance.

Please join me in chanting won't  you? "Rain in LA. Rain in LA. Rain in LA..."

If it rains, we'll all be happy. But we can't count on El NiƱo. That's why we need this Apple-Celery Root Gratin as a rain dance. Fritz on Channel 4 may say rain (til he's blue in the face), but he's disappointed me before. That's how it is in Los Angeles – which is technically a desert – a paved over and re-planted desert, but a desert nonetheless. We have palm trees and ocean breezes. But don't let that fool you. Los Angeles still retains the desert-like predictability of very (very) long dry spells. Four years and counting.

Please join me in chanting won't you? "Rain in LA. Rain in LA. Rain in LA..."

chopped celery rootgruyere

Rainy Day Apple-Celery Root Gratin

In honor of the first (real?) rain of the season, I am going to make something cozy. Something my mother might make. She'd use potatoes and call them scalloped – but that's another story.

What I'd really like from this LA rain dance (besides rain, of course) is a long evening in front of the fire. I'd like to eat dinner in the living room at the table in front of the fireplace and listen tio the pitter-patter of raindrops on the patio doors. We have 4 leather chairs that pull around that table and serve nicely for dining sometimes. It's very gentleman's club, especially in the rain!

Now I just have to decide which gentlemen to invite. But that's a problem for later. Let's see if it rains first. GREG

Sippity Sup Living RoomSippity Sup Living Room

Apple-Celery Root Gratin