Thursday, April 2, 2015

What's on this Easter Weekend

What's on this Easter Weekend

What's on this Easter Weekend

Posted: 01 Apr 2015 02:51 PM PDT

Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate, oh and hot cross buns. Reasons I love Easter. While it's actually a Christian religious celebration, somewhere along the way the Easter bunny got thrown into the equation and now we have Easter egg hunts and the sharing of chocolate. Generally though I think people still observe the essence of this time which had huge impact in the history of Christianity. People will be fasting and churches will be full. I for one will be giving thanks for all my chocolate treats confiscated from my 2 year old, my hot buttered hot cross buns with breakfast and yummy, spicy, pickled fish... No! Strike that! No pickled fish for me with snoek at a crazy R250 a kilo...

Kids are now on holiday and we're all looking for something to do this weekend. So if you didn't take your pre-teen to the One Direction concert maybe you can make up for it with buckets of chocolate and something from the list below. See what's on this Easter weekend.
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