Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Chocoholics Anonymous and leftover Easter Chocolate

Chocoholics Anonymous and leftover Easter Chocolate

Chocoholics Anonymous and leftover Easter Chocolate

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 12:42 PM PDT

What! Leftover chocolate? Surely there is no such thing? Well, this year my little one received more chocolate in a week than I've ever received in a year. Of course, I'm not complaining, cos Mom pulls all the diet strings for baby in this house. I try to with my skinny ass hubby who eats all the chocolate in the world and still stays lean but I risk divorce if I ration his chocolate so I think I'll just stick to confiscating Taufeeq's stash and allowing him 20% at a time. Oh the other 80% you wonder, well that will find it's way onto my hips, thighs and stomach of course, what else...

So in an effort to save myself and others (yes, I know you're out there) from needing to buy bigger pants next week, I am going to share some ways to use up leftover Easter chocolates, or Christmas chocolates or Valentine's chocolates, pretty much any chocolates that are staring you down at any given time of the year. I am going to save you before you find yourself one day at a creepy community centre in a circle of "deer in the headlights" eyed people declaring "My name is Dilshad, and I am a Chocoholic!"

I tried some Rocky Road fudge at a confectionary shop in Canal Walk recently and and despite thinking that it would be way too sweet and I would not enjoy it much (I'm a dark chocolate kinda gal) I totally loved it. Now thank goodness you can only manage a small piece at a time, cos that could set you back a pants size or two quite easily. I found this recipe for Rocky Road on Bakingmad.com and thought that you could substitute the marshmallows in the recipe for those Marshmallow eggs that you get tons of at Easter and just chop them up and add instead.
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