Sunday, April 12, 2015

Simply Recipes: 5 New Recipes - Roasted Asparagus and more...

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Roasted Asparagus

Roasted asparagus in the oven is one of the easiest way to prepare asparagus. Just coat them with a little olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and maybe a little minced garlic, and roast them until lightly browned and tender.

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Baked Ziti

Do you like lasagna, but not the fuss? Make baked ziti instead! It’s a lot like a classic lasagna casserole, but easier to make and without lots of layers or broken noodles. It makes for a perfect midweek or weekend meal, or a hot dish to bring to a potluck. Make extra and freeze for later.

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Browned Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookies

I made a serendipitous discovery the other day, a discovery that countless bakers have made throughout time eternal. On a quest to make chocolate chip cookies it was discovered by my young charges that no chocolate chips remained in the cupboard. Instead, we found a bag of Hershey bars. So, we chopped them up into large chip-sized pieces and used them instead.

You know what happens when you use chunks of chocolate bars instead of chocolate chips in cookies?

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Avocado Beet Salad with Citrus Vinaigrette

Quick, grab a pen and paper and write down your top 5 favorite foods. What are they?

No matter what year, what season, or where I am, the numero uno top food item on my list is always avocado. I once read that some ultra-thin celebrities avoid eating avocados because the are fattening (never mind that avocados contain good fats, the ones your body needs). That is reason enough for me to never ever want to be an ultra-thin celebrity. Yikes! Give up avocados? Never!

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Quick and Easy Egg Salad Sandwich

An egg salad sandwich is one of the easiest sandwiches in the world to make, especially if you have some hard boiled eggs already made. Add little chopped celery for crunch, some green onions or chives for the green factor, a dash of salt and pepper for seasoning, and a spoonful of mayonnaise to bind everything together. Easy!

There is one more ingredient that will give your simple egg salad a special zing, and that is

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