Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A guide to the coffee pod revolution

A guide to the coffee pod revolution

A guide to the coffee pod revolution

Posted: 26 May 2015 03:45 PM PDT

coffee pods hungry for halaal

So you've bought your new coffee capsule system and are now drinking artisan coffee in your own home. The smell of a coffee shop drifts through your kitchen as you sip your homemade cappucino and pat yourself on the back for saving a packet on your daily Vida-e. Week one is down and you're halfway through your complementary pods already. So you slow down on the 2-a-day so you can stretch them a few more weeks, cos Gads! these pods are expensive. Week 3 goes by and you realise you have to replenish stocks so you head on over to the exclusive store at the mall where it feels like you're walking into a bank and all the staff are dressed in suits. It looks like you may have to make an application to buy your pods but luckily the banker finds your name on the system, yes, there's a system and you choose your 2 boxes. You get a raised eyebrow at your measly purchase so you slink off quickly to enjoy your bounty before they decide to cancel your club membership. 

And that's how it all began. The convenience of coffee pods infiltrated the market about 6 years ago and coffee snobs have never looked back. I say coffee snobs with the utmost love for we are a breed sorely misunderstood and barely tolerated by our tea swilling, instant coffee drinking friends and colleagues. We get eyes rolled at us for bringing our own coffee to work and stashing it out of sight because those same eye-rollers would sneak a spoon or two when you're not looking. When you visit we're always trying to impose an impressive homemade latte on you when all you want is a nice cup of chai. We might come across like caffeine addicted crazies but we're just trying to share the love... 
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