Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind?

No. Hell no. That would break my heart. But it's New Years Day and we ask that silly question time after time. Year after year.

In truth I'm happy to have your acquaintance, and I hope to have it a long auld time. So I gotta keep busy. I gotta post cool stuff. And I gotta ring in the New Blog Year with festive style.

Which isn't going to be so easy this year. I'm in South America. Lima, Peru at the moment. Tomorrow I head off to Cuzco and Machu Picchu, followed by Buenos Aires and then a week long drive along the coast of Uruguay. Depending on the internet access, and how much I can actually accomplish on an iPad, I hope to make a few posts during my trip. In fact this is a partially sponsored trip and the food of Peru is my subject. So I know you'll see more from me while I'm in Lima.

This is the first post, and so far so good. But this is Lima, a major city. Once I get up into the Andes all bets are off. Still I'll try my best. I've got something on the cevicherías of Lima in the works. I've also developed a love for Pisco (a South American "brandy" that is the National spirit here). So you'll probably see an upcoming post on the cocktail Pisco Sour.

All of this in good time, as they say. Today I just want to wish you a Happy New Year, and thank you for supporting this blog. This is the 7th New Years holiday I've posted on this blog. My how time flies when you're obsessed...

Happy New Year from Lima Peru

It's summer here in Lima. Like all big cities in the summer, lots of people like to beat the heat and get out of town. In fact a week at the beach over New Years is a very common way to celebrate the holiday here, so the city is not as crowded as I expected. Last night we walked all over and saw all sorts of celebrations ranging from intimate bonfires on the beach to ritzy rooftop parties. But mostly we saw families out walking together. Many of them setting off fireworks willy-nilly. To an American these impromptu firework displays seem almost dangerous. But everyone seems to relish the mayhem. To play it safe, we divided our NYE time between The Bridge of Sighs (Puente de los Suspiros) and an outdoor shopping/entertainment plaza known as Locomar. But we ended our evening at our Hotel, Second home Peru. There's viewing terrace overlooking the ocean, from there we saw all the fireworks that run up and down the coast. I've never seen a city as crazy for for fireworks.

Happy New Year! GREG

I received compensation in order to bring information about the food of Peru to this blog. All opinions are my own.

New Years Eve Lima

Lima fireworks